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big tech ETF

The Ultimate Tech ETF

An All-in-One Big Tech Investment Tech had a big year in 2023, and for loyalists, it was rewarding after 2022’s portfolio-obliterating losses.  Of the 11

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year in review

A Year in Review

Not Every Pick’s a Winner, But Most Are It’s almost 2024, so what better time for a year-in-review than now?  With the calendar about to

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Looking Ahead to 2024

Falling Gas Prices, Corporate Campaign Donations & Money Market Rates Like any year, 2023 has had its financial ups and downs: Last week, Merriam-Webster chose

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garbage stocks

3 Garbage Stocks

Waste management companies make big $ hauling our refuse. America’s #1 in a lot of categories we wish we weren’t. Homelessness, for-profit prison population, per

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side hustles

That’s a Wrap

Here’s How to Get Paid to Commute Office building occupancy remains negatively impacted by the pandemic-induced work-from-home revolution, and return-to-office mandates are gaining momentum as

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dividend and conquer

Dividend & Win

Since 1930, dividends account for 40% of stock market returns and 54% during decades with elevated inflation. Dividend /ˈdivəˌdend/ noun: a sum of money regularly

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Alternative Assets

Investing in Fun

From baseball cards to wine collections, alternative assets introduce fun to portfolios. Alternative Asset/ˈaal·tur·nuh·tuhv a·suhtˈ/ nouninvestments that fall outside of the traditional asset classes commonly

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Certificates of deposit

Are CDs ‘Cool’ Again?

Certificates of deposit are currently providing yields over 5%. Certificate of deposit /ˈsərˈtifəkət uv di’ pozitˈ/ noun: a certificate issued by a bank to a person depositing

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