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Your Bank Sucks

If You’re Still Banking In-Person, It’s Time for a Change TL;DR If your money’s sitting in a brick-and-mortar bank account, it’s being eroded by inflation.

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eat the rich

Don’t Eat the Rich

But Understand Why Some Want To. TL;DR Misplaced anger is increasingly common in our divided country, especially during election years. But understanding who’s really to

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working mom

The Motherhood Penalty

The motherhood penalty shows that in the workplace, working mothers experience disadvantages in pay and benefits relative to childless women and fathers.  

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Want a Raise? Quit Your Job

The FTC just banned noncompete agreements TL;DR The Federal Trade Commission’s decision last Tuesday to ban nearly all noncompete agreements between employers and employees should

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snowball dividends

It’s Snowball Season

Dividend Snowballs Require Time, Patience & Perseverance Dividend snowball /ˈdivəˌdend snōˌbôlˈ/ noun: the process of reinvesting dividends from equities to buy more shares, thereby earning

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